Kim English Recruits Live on Air


Kim English joined Chris Russell and Pete Medhurst on Sports Talk 980 to continue his media circuit. In the background, you can hear the players practicing, Coach English couldn’t even take a few minutes off of coaching for the interview. Listen now, the interview kicks off at the 12 minute mark.

Talking about practices, Kim English says, “it will be the hardest thing they’ve ever done in their lives, but I think the players want that, they want to be pushed.” Over and over again, English talks about the sweat equity his program is going to build, and how he’s going to build tough players through tough practicing. This should excite everyone. Too many times, it felt like Mason had nothing left to close out games and even seasons under Paulsen. This needs to change.

He goes on to say, “the response we’ve gotten from recruits is really exciting, ya know reacquainting families with George Mason Basketball.” Who else is excited to follow Mason recruiting again?

On his communication skills, “Well, here’s the thing about college athletes, not just basketball players but all kids, these kids have a PHD in knowing if you care about them or not. You can’t fake it, you can’t fake it. Some of these coaches are like car salesman, it’s corny, it’s a schtick.”

If English hadn’t convinced you yet that he’s going to recruit his ass off, in the middle of the interview he has to pause to answer, what he describes as, a big recruit. He ignored the call but shot him a text.

Listen to the interview, and comment below with your thoughts!



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